服务领域 Service Area

We offer our customers include desktops, mobile terminal, server, network and application and so on a series of enterprise IT related technical support services.

网站定制 Website Custom

Communicate one on one designer, cross-industry, multilingual, follow the custom, regular source, no worry about copyright, housekeeper type service maintenance, stable running, using at ease.

IT解决方案 IT Solution

According to the enterprise needs to provide network, computers, servers, switches and other optimal combination and reasonable configuration scheme, solve the troubles of the enterprise procurement, to effectively control the cost for our clients.

软件开发 Software development

互联网、移动互联网平台开发,企业业务系统开发,基于JAVA .NET PHP语言,HTML5 CSS JavaScript jQuery的开发。
The Internet and mobile Internet platform development, the enterprise business system development, based on JAVA, . NET, PHP, HTML 5, CSS, JavaScript,and jQuery's development.

IT外包 IT Outsourcing

We have engineers who have spoken both Chinese and English, has a wealth of manufacturing experience about IT outsourcing, we will be your trustworthy partner.

Maximising your production is our goal.

更多服务 Other Services

Global domain name registration

We have agent qualification of NET.cn, we can provide you with the global domain name registration service.

Doorlocker & CCTV System

We provider Door Locker and CCTV system solutions, both of them support Chinese and English UI.

Could Computing

We and Ali cloud, Huawei cloud, Tencent cloud, Microsoft Azure have close relations of cooperation, we have a strong technical team, to support the cloud computing business of your company.

Mail Hosting

在中国大陆和海外都快速稳定的邮箱解决方案。 阿里云邮箱 & Microsoft O365。
Fast and stable solutions for both China & overseas users (Alimail & Microsoft O365)

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